毛晟,北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系助理教授、特聘研究员、博士生导师, 北京市工程科学与新兴技术高精尖创新中心先进制造技术部Co-PI。本科毕业于北京大学,博士毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学,后于美国普林斯顿大学从事博士后研究。主要研究领域为软物质力学,生物力学及力电耦合的基础理论。目前在国内外期刊上包括Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 、Proceedings of the National Academy of Science、Soft Matter等上发表学术论文14篇,其中最高单篇引用190余次。
1. Nguyen, T.D.=, Mao, S.=, Yeh, Y-W.=, Purohit, P.K., McAlpine, M.C., Nanoscale flexoelectricity, Adv Mater 2013; 25(7): 946-974.
2. Mao, S., Purohit, P.K., Insights into flexoelectric solids from strain-gradient elasticity, J Appl Mech 2014; 81(8): 081004.
3. Mao, S., Purohit, P.K., Defects in flexoelectric solids, J Mech Phys Solids 2015; 84: 95-115.
4. Mao, S., Purohit, P.K., Aravas, N., Mixed finite-element formulations in piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity, Proc R Soc A 2016; 472(2190): 20150879.
5. Mao, S., Kuldinow, D., Haataja, M., Kosmrlj, A., Phase behavior and morphology of multicomponent liquid mixtures, Soft Matter 2019; 15: 1297-1311.
6. Yan, J. =, Fei C. =, Mao, S. =, Moreau, A., Wingreen, N.S., Kosmrlj, A., Stone, H.A., Bassler, B.L., Mechanical instability and interfacial energy jointly drive bioflm morphogenesis, eLife 2019; 8: e43920.
7. Xue, T., Beatson, A., Chiaramonte, M., Roeder, G., Ash, J.T., Menguc, Y., Adriaenssens, S., Adams, R.P., Mao S. *, A data-driven computational scheme for the nonlinear mechanical properties of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation, Soft Matter 2020; 16, 7524-7534.
8. Goodwin, K., Mao, S., Guyomar, T., Miller, E., Radisky, D.C., Kosmrlj, A., Nelson, C.M., Smooth muscle differentiation shapes domain branches during mouse lung development, Development 2019; 146: dev181172.
9. Fei, C., Mao, S., Yan, J., Alert, R., Stone, H.A., Bassler, B.L., Wingreen, N.S., Kosmrlj, A., Non-uniform growth and surface friction determine bacterial biofilm morphology on soft substrates, Proc Acad Natl Sci 2020; 117(14): 7622-7632.
10. Zhou J., Mao, S., Zhang S., Noncontacting optostriction driven anisotropic and inhomogeneous strain in two-dimensional materials, Phys. Rev. Research 2020; 2 (2), 022059.