易新,北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系特聘研究员,博士生导师。本科、硕士毕业于北京大学工学院,博士毕业于美国布朗大学工学院。主要研究领域包括先进制造与仿生结构设计、低维材料与膜结构的非线性力学行为、微纳米复合材料力学等。结合宏微观力学理论、计算模拟和实验表征技术,探索难熔金属和合金构件增材制造过程中的基础科学问题,系统地优化增材制造工艺参数,揭示了高能激光与相关金属相互作用的机理,设计和制备具有优良力学性能的金属构件;系统考察弹性一维和二维微纳材料相互作用的非线性力学行为。至今已在国内国际专业期刊发表SCI文章40多篇,包括美国科学院院刊、Physical Review Letters、Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids、ACS Nano、Nano Letters等,SCI引用900多次,有3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。在国际学术会议和国内外大学做邀请学术报告多次。
1. X. Y. Li, H. L. Duan, P. Y. Lv and X. Yi, Soft actuators based on liquid-vapor phase change composites. Soft Robotics (2020).
2. Z. M. Wu and X. Yi, Structures and mechanical behaviors of soft nanotubes confining adhesive single or multiple elastic nanoparticles. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137, 103867 (2020).
3. Y. Hui, X. Yi, D. Wibowo, G. Z. Yang, A. P. J. Middelberg, H. J. Gao and C.-X. Zhao, Nanoparticle elasticity regulates phagocytosis and cancer cell uptake. Science Advances 6(16), eaaz4316 (2020).
4. X. Y. Tang, X. H. Shi, Y. Gan and X. Yi, Nanomechanical characterization of pressurized elastic fluid nanovesicles using indentation analysis. Extreme Mechanics Letters 34, 100613 (2020).
5. L. R. Chen, W. B. Liu, L. Yu, Y. Y. Cheng, K. Ren, H. N. Sui, X. Yi and H. L. Duan, Probabilistic and constitutive models for ductile-to-brittle transition in steels: A competition between cleavage and ductile fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135, 103809 (2020).
6. X. Li, J. M. Zhang, X. Yi, Z. Huang, P. Lv and H. L. Duan, Multimaterial microfluidic 3D printing of textured composites with liquid inclusions. Advanced Science 6, 1800730 (2019).
7. Z. Dai et al., Chain-length- and saturation-tuned mechanics of fluid nanovesicles direct tumor delivery. ACS Nano (2019).
8. X. Yi, G. Zou and H. Gao, Mechanics of cellular packing of nanorods with finite and non-uniform diameters. Nanoscale 10, 14090 (2018).
9. W. Zhu et al., Nanomechanical mechanism for lipid bilayer damage induced by carbon nanotubes confined in intracellular vesicles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 113, 12374 (2016).
10. X. Yi, X. Shi and H. Gao, A universal law for cell uptake of one-dimensional nanomaterials. Nano Letters 14, 1049 (2014).