

    宫继成,北京大学环境科学与工程学院研究员,助理教授。分别于2003年和2006年获得北京大学环境科学本科和硕士学位,于2011年毕业于美国新泽西州立大学,并获得哲学博士学位。2012至2016年先后在美国南加州大学和杜克大学从事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向是以生物标志物的开发和测量为手段研究环境污染物暴露对人体的健康效应及生物学机制。在生物统计学领域受到过系统教育,并在应用生物统计方法分析环境健康数据反面拥有非常丰富的经验,曾建立双层线性混合模型(Two-stage linear mixed-effects models),在理论上解决了单污染物和双污染物模型无法区分相关污染物之间的健康效应问题,从而使得通过该模型得到的污染物与健康指标之间的相关关系更具有客观性。共发表SCI收录论文32篇,包括顶级医学期刊《柳叶刀》(Lancet,IF 59.1),以及ES&T、Environment International和Atmospheric Environment等环境类优秀期刊。2016年获国家青年千人计划支持;2017-2018连续两年获得北京大学环境科学与工程学院的科研贡献奖。


1. Cui X, Li Z, Teng Y, Barkjohn K, Norris C, Fang L, Daniel G, He L, Lin L, Wang Q, et al. Association Between Bedroom Particulate Matter Filtration and Changes in Airway Pathophysiology in Children With Asthma. JAMA Pediatrics . 2020.

2. Liang W, Wang B, Shen G, Cao S, Mcswain B, Qin N, Zhao L, Yu D, Gong J, Zhao S, et al. Association of solid fuel use with risk of stunting in children living in China. Indoor Air . 2020;30(2):264-274. 

3. He L, Cui X, Xia Q, Li F, Mo J, Gong J, Zhang Y, Zhang J. Effects of personal air pollutant exposure on oxidative stress: Potential confounding by natural variation in melatonin levels. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2020;223(1):116-123. 

4. Hu X, He L, Zhang J, Qiu X, Zhang Y, Mo J, Day D, Xiang J, Gong J. Inflammatory and oxidative stress responses of healthy adults to changes in personal air pollutant exposure. Environmental Pollution. 2020:114503. 

5. Qi L, Xu R, Gong J. Monitoring DNA adducts in human blood samples using magnetic Fe3O4@graphene oxide as a nano-adsorbent and mass spectrometry. Talanta . 2020;209:120523. 

6. Qi L, Gong J. Facile preparation of a polyaniline-functionalized melamine sponge by in-situ polymerization and its application for the analysis of perfluorooctanoic acid from biological samples using UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS detection. Journal of Chromatography A . 2019:460777. 

7. Xu M, Wang L, Wang M, Wang H, Zhang H, Chen Y, Wang X, Gong J, Zhang J, Adcock I, et al. Mitochondrial ROS and NLRP3 inflammasome in acute ozone-induced murine model of airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Free Radical Research. 2019;53(7):780-790. 

8. Gong, J.; Zhu, T.; Hu, M.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, J., Different Metrics (Number, Surface Area, and Volume Concentration) of Urban Particles with Varying Sizes in Relation to Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO), Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2019, 11(4): 1714-1726.

9. Sinharay, R.*; Gong, J.*; Barratt, B.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Ernst, S.; Kelly, F.; Zhang, J.; Collins, P.; Cullinan, P.; Chung, K.F., Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to walking down a traffic-polluted road compared with walking in a traffic-free area in participants aged 60 years and older with chronic lung or heart disease and age-matched healthy controls: a randomised, crossover study, Lancet, 2018, 391 (10118): 339-349.

10. Gong, J.; Zhu, T.; Kipen, H.; Rich, D.; Huang, W.; Lin, WT.; Hu, M.; Zhang, J., Urinary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metabolites as Biomarkers of Exposure to Traffic-Emitted Pollutants. Environment International, 2015, 85, 104-110.

11. Altemose, B.*; Gong, J.*; Zhu, T.; Hu, M.; Zhang, L. W.; Cheng, H.; Zhang, L.; Tong, J.; Kipen, H. M.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Meng, Q. Y.; Robson, M. G.; Zhang, J. F., Aldehydes in relation to air pollution sources: A case study around the Beijing Olympics. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 109, 61-69.

12. Roy, A.*; Gong, J.*; Thomas, D. C.; Zhang, J. F.; Kipen, H. M.; Rich, D. Q.; Zhu, T.; Huang, W.; Hu, M.; Wang, G. F.; Wang, Y. D.; Zhu, P.; Lu, S. E.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Diehl, S. R.; Eckel, S. P., The Cardiopulmonary Effects of Ambient Air Pollution and Mechanistic Pathways: A Comparative Hierarchical Pathway Analysis. PLoS One, 2014, 9, (12):e114913. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114913.

13. Gong, J.; Zhu, T.; Kipen, H.; Wang, G.; Hu, M.; Guo, Q.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Lu, S.-E.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, P.; Rich, D. Q.; Huang, W.; Zhang, J., Comparisons of Ultrafine and Fine Particles in Their Associations with Biomarkers Reflecting Physiological Pathways. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48, (9), 5264-5273.

14. Gong, J.; Zhu, T.; Kipen, H.; Wang, G.; Hu, M.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Lu, S.-E.; Zhang, L.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, P.; Rich, D. Q.; Diehl, S. R.; Huang, W.; Zhang, J., Malondialdehyde in exhaled breath condensate and urine as a biomarker of air pollution induced oxidative stress. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2013, 23, (3), 322-327.

15. Rich, D. Q.; Kipen, H. M.; Huang, W.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, P.; Ohman-Strickland, P.; Hu, M.; Phillipp, C.; Diehl, S.; Lu, S.; Tong, J.; Gong, J.; Thomas, D.; Zhu, T.; Zhang, J., Association between changes in air pollution levels during the Beijing Olympics and biomarkers of inflammation and thrombosis in healthy young adults. JAMA, 2012, 307, (19), 2068-2078.