

     吕本帅,北京大学工学院助理教授、研究员、博士生导师,北京大学工程科学与新兴技术高精尖创新中心仿真与软件应用部Co-PI。本科毕业于南京大学,硕士、博士毕业于剑桥大学,后于加州理工学院和剑桥大学分别从事访学和博士后研究。致力于利用理论建模并结合实验研究一系列与波动相关的物理问题,目前集中研究经典声学(如声学超材料)与航空与能源领域中的气动声学问题(湍流发声,如飞机发动机的喷流噪声、风机尾缘噪声等)。目前在国际知名期刊与会议上共发表论文21篇,其中SCI期刊论文10篇,其中包括5篇一作Journal of Fluid Mechanics(JFM)等。同时,持有国际发明专利一项。近几年曾先后参与英国自然科学与工程基金、欧盟研究基金等项目。



B. Lyu. Foils with serrations, 2018. Application No. 1818839.1 (UK), PCT No. PCT/GB2019/053266.


1. B. Lyu and L. J. Ayon. Rapid noise prediction models for serrated leading and trailing edges. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2019.115136.

2. B. Lyu and A. Dowling. Modelling installed jet noise due to the scattering of jet instability waves by swept wings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 870:760–783, 2019.

3. B. Lyu and Ann P. Dowling. An experimental study of the effects of lobed nozzles on installed jet noise. Experiments in Fluids, 60(176), 2019.

4. B. Lyu, L. J. Ayton, and P. Chaitanyan. On the acoustic optimality of leading-edge serration profiles. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 462(114923), 2019.

5. B. Lyu and A. Dowling. Temporal stability analysis of jets of lobed geometry. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 860:5–39, 2018.

6. B. Lyu and A. Dowling. (Featured article) Experimental validation of the hybrid scattering model for installed jet noise. Physics of Fluids, 30(085102), 2018.

7. B. Lyu and M. Azarpeyvand. On the noise prediction for serrated leading edges. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 826:205–234, 2017.

8. B. Lyu, A. Dowling, and I. Naqavi. Prediction of installed jet noise. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811:234–268, 2017.

9. B. Lyu, M. Azarpeyvand, and S. Sinayoko. Noise prediction for serrated trailing edges. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 793:556–588, 2016.

10. Y. D. Mayer, B. Lyu, H. K. Jawahar, and M. Azarpeyvand. A semi-analytical model for noise prediction for airfoils with serrated trailing edges. Renewable Energy, 143:679–691, 2019.