

  陈正,北京大学工学院研究员、博士生导师、北京工程科学与新兴技术高精尖创新中心仿真与应用软件部Co-PI。本科、硕士毕业于清华大学工程力学系,博士毕业于美国普林斯顿大学。2009年1月到北京大学工学院担任特聘研究员。从事与能源和推进技术相关的基础燃烧研究,主要研究方向为燃烧火焰动力学。先后主持了国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金等科研项目。研究内容包括火焰动力学理论、燃料基础燃烧特性、极限燃烧、爆轰等。曾获得国际燃烧学会Bernard Lewis Fellowship、国家优秀自费留学生奖、以及吴仲华优秀青年学者奖。入选中组部首批“青年拔尖人才支持计划”,获得了国家自然科学优秀青年基金项目。曾担任第36-38届国际燃烧会议层流火焰分论坛共同主席(Colloquium Co-Chair),担任Combustion and Flame、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Journal of Thermal Science、《推进技术》等期刊的编委。


1M. Faghih, R. Mevel*, Y. He, Z. Chen, “Effect of 2-step energy release on the direct detonation initiation by a point energy source in a rich H2-NO2/N2O4-Ar mixture,” Combustion and Flame, 222 (2020) 317-325.  

2. Q. Li, C. Liu, H. Zhang*, M. Wang, Z. Chen, “Initiation and propagation of spherical premixed flames with inert solid particles,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 606-631.  

3. Y. Wang, A. Movaghar, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, W. Sun, F.N. Egolfopoulos, Z. Chen*, “Laminar flame speeds of methane/air mixtures at engine conditions: Performance of different kinetic models and power-law correlations,”Combustion and Flame, 218 (2020) 101-108. 

4. F. Halter*, Z. Chen, G. Dayma, C. Bariki, Y. Wang, P. Dagaut, C. Chauveau, “Development of an optically accessible apparatus to characterize the evolution of spherically expanding flames under constant volume conditions,” Combustion and Flame, 212 (2020) 165-176.

5. D. Yu, Z. Chen*, “A theoretical analysis on enthalpy of vaporization: temperature-dependence and singularity at the critical state,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 516 (2020) 112611. 

6. C. Huang, C. Qi, Z.Chen*, “Non-uniform ignition behind a reflected shock and its influence on ignition delay measured in a shock tube,” Shock Waves, 29 (2019) 957-967. 

7. H. Li, H. Zhang, Z.Chen*, “Effects of endothermic chain-branching reaction on spherical flame initiation and propagation,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, 23 (2019) 496-514. 

8. P. Dai*, Z. Chen, X. Gan, “Autoignition and detonation development induced by a hot spot in fuel-lean and CO2 diluted n-heptane/air mixtures,”Combustion and Flame, 201 (2019) 208-214. 

9. Z. Li, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, “Effects of hydrogen addition on non-premixed ignition of iso-octane by hot air in a diffusion layer,” Combustion and Flame, 199 (2019) 292-300.

10. Y. Gao, P. Dai, Z.Chen*, “Numerical studies on autoignition and detonation development from a hot spot in hydrogen/air mixtures,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 245-261.

11. W. Zhang, M. Faghih, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, Numerical study on the transient evolution of a premixed cool flame , Combustion and Flame, 187 (2018) 129-136.

12. Z. Chen*, Effects of radiation absorption on spherical flame propagation and radiation-induced uncertainty in laminar flame speed measurement, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 1129-1136.

13. M. Faghih, Z. Chen*, The constant-volume propagating spherical flame method for laminar flame speed measurement, Science Bulletin, 61 (2016) 1296-1310.

14. Z. Chen*, On the accuracy of laminar flame speeds measured from outwardly propagating spherical flames: Methane/air at normal temperature and pressure, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 2442-2453.

15.  W. Han , Z. Chen*, Effects of finite-rate droplet evaporation on the ignition and propagation of premixed spherical spray flame , Combustion and Flame, 2015.5, 162(5): 2128~2139